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The Submittable portal will open September 3rd, 2024 at 12am and close at 11:59pm.

Attention Mini-Grant Applicants
  • ​If the applicant received previous funding from NOTCF, a Performance Report must be complete before applying. You will not be seen if the report is not submitted prior to your scheduled appointment.
  • All applicants must submit a valid, unexpired government issued photo identification (Driver’s License, State ID, School ID, Passport, etc.).
  • If applying as a traditional cultural practitioner, all applicants must submit at least one (1) photo of themselves in a suit or regalia without a mask, crown, or anything covering the individual’s face for us to identify everyone applying and match their photos to the identification provided.
  • All applicants must submit an itemized budget listing supplies and their costs.
  • If the applicant is a minor (under 18 years old) you must submit at least 1 of the 3 documents listed below:
    • School Profile Page with Picture of Minor
    • School or State ID
    • Birth Certificate
  • CLICK HERE to schedule your in-person appointment. Applicants can call The Grants Team at (504) 766-9485 or (504) 297-5686 to receive assistance with setting up an appointment starting one week prior to an application intake day.
  • Only the applicant plus one (1) other person may be present during your appointment.
  • Walk-ins will NOT be accepted
  • Level 1 Mini-Grant Application Assistance Appointments open August 26, 2024
Attention ALL Applicants
  • There will be three (3) cycles in 2024 rather than (4) four.
    1. January 2024
    2. May 2024
    3. September 2024
  • Applicants will be approved only once per year.
  • The grant portal will be open for 24 hours with no limit to the number of submissions accepted.
  • Applications that have all necessary documentation that aligns with NOTCF’s mission and the Grant Funding Terms and Conditions will be considered. 
  • Once the maximum number of complete applications per level is reached, the vetting/review process will be closed.
  • Applications that are not reviewed because the maximum number of applications have been accepted and approved will be notified through Submittable.
  • Applicants with missing documents will automatically be denied. Applicants that have been denied can reapply during a future grant cycle.
  • For-profit businesses that have been awarded at least three (3) grants, the fourth (4th) and future grants are limited to Level 2 ($2,501-$9,999). This encourages for-profit businesses to seek other revenue streams or consider expanding the services to increase revenues and sustain their businesses.
  • We do not reserve uploaded documents from previous applications for applicants. Applicants must resubmit all required documentation each time a new application is submitted.
  • Effective June 1, 2024, all grant applications must be submitted 120 days or more before the event/project begins.

2024 Grant Schedule

Month Dates for Grant Cycle Meetings Mini-Grants ($1 – $2,500) Mid-Level Grants ($2,501 – $9,999) Large Grants ($10,000 – $100,000)
January Intake Day – January 2, 2024   up to 100 grant awards maximum of 24 grant awards to be issued up to 20 grant awards
February Review Period   Review Review Review
March Processing   Decision Letters & Awards Decision Letters & Awards  
April Processing Board/Grant Meeting     Decision Letters & Awards
May Intake Day – May 1, 2024   up to 100 grant awards up to 23 grant awards up to 20 grant awards
June Review Period   Review Review Review
July Processing   Decision Letters & Awards Decision Letters & Awards  
August Processing Board/Grant Meeting     Decision Letters & Awards
September Intake Day – September 3, 2024   up to 100 grant awards up to 23 grant awards up to 18 grant awards
October Review Period   Review Review Review
November Processing   Decision Letters & Awards Decision Letters & Awards  
December Processing Board/Grant Meeting     Decision Letters & Awards
Maximum Award Consideration will be $100,000.

Funding Levels:

Level 1

$ 1 – $ 2,500 Mini-Grant

For smaller projects and program support that are focused on smaller communities with limited scopes and periods, such as a single creative production or single community event.

Level 2

$ 2,501 – $ 9,999

For mid-level projects and programs that reach a larger audience, train a sub-section of cultural bearers/cultural workers for specific tasks over a limited period, support larger community events with a broader impact on the cultural economy.

Level 3

$ 10,000 – $ 100,000

For larger scale projects and programs that stretch over a larger time period, reach a wide audience, train a class of culture bearer/worker in multiple skills, larger multi-community/city-wide events.

Level 3 grant applicants meeting the full requirements of the terms and conditions and eligible to move forward to the Grant Review Committee will be notified of the date, time and location of the Grant Review Committee meeting via email.

Performance Report
To access and complete a performance report, those who have been awarded funds should notify the NOTCF Grants Team using their Submittable login credentials. A team member will share a link to the performance report. Performance report links will only be shared with those who have been awarded funding.
  • Performance reports will be due 30 days after the completion of the event.

The New Orleans Tourism and Cultural Fund (NOTCF) requires adherence to certain terms and conditions in order for an application to be considered for funding.

WHY MEASURE ECONOMIC IMPACT AND SUSTAINABILITY? Currently, the Hotel Occupancy Privilege Tax is the only source of revenue for NOTCF. This tax is generated when hotel rooms in the New Orleans area are occupied. Positive economic impact for the City of New Orleans has the potential to drive the Hotel Occupancy taxes and therefore, allow NOTCF to support events at higher levels each year. Sustainability measures allow organizers and the NOTCF applicant review committee to consider the long-term view of the organization and any potential challenges an organizer might face with an event. Consideration of challenges allows the organizers to develop plans to mitigate those challenges so that an event can be executed successfully.